Saturday, April 26, 2008
I've officially moved to, please change your bookmark link if you see this entry. See ya blogger :3
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Directly 1 week it took for my cheapest figurine evar purchase to arrive. :3
Took me forever to find a way to open the packaging because it's a shape of a shoe box. lol
Apparently, they tried to wrap the entire box nicely but thanks to our kastams and etc to fuck it up for you. ;p
All in all, this figurine is awesome and so worth it since it's only RM63 lol. ;p
Pictar sepam,
Now, which game should i sell before GTA4 comes out ? ;o
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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Just for a little bit.
The 3 left around afternoon after lunch.
Dropped them off by KL Central.
Very awesome weekend, see you guys when you're coming down for the COD4 shit lol.
Nothing much to say now actually.
Just that on Saturday i ended up tracing another picture of random choice.
(Really, i was THAT bored.)
Me tracing,
All i could say that, it's crap. I hated the outcome of the tracing.
There's too much to shade and colour so i got real fukken lazy.
Literally, i find my previous work much better since it's much easier and less detailed compared to this.
So bah, fuck it.
As long i get it done.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Lack of Updates Part 2 ! :3
Let's see, i'm really getting so used to this laziness to blog each time my sem break starts lol.
As for now, Chris, Han and MY are staying over my place for a bit due to their big match later today(which takes place in 11 hours time more or less).
I'm really hoping they'll make it, for once FsN will make their debut ! w00t.
So yeah, other than that i'm just playing Guilty Gear with moo and tiger and playing random demos with the rest of them for the heck of it lol.
If i'm not mistaken, i've also preordered another 2 figurines and waiting for it to come out which will be around July.
Not only that, apparently play-asia sent me their weekly update mail which tells me that their weekly special is on a very nice looking figurine which only fukken cost RM63 !
For a 1/7 scale and it's awesome and it's only RM63, originally it was Rm200+
How could i just leave it ? Obviously i bought it. :3
Hell, i was so bored that i even bothered to trace my wallie lol.
Didn't take me long since it's a tracing, and i just did for the sake of boredom.
Plus i couldn't resist it, since my wallie is teh awesome and not worksafe obviously.
Original(desktop screenie),
Me tracing,
My tracing isn't exactly done, since the shading for some parts are a little off but that doesn't really matter much to me hehe.
I gotta say that it was fun even though i did it real quick.
Somehow inside me is telling me that i should have taken illustration instead of multimedia ;_;
Well, since i'm liek so into drawings like these and shiat so....... =/
So yeah, till then when i feel like updating again. :3
I wonder if i should get GTA4....
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Sunday, April 13, 2008
A weee bit.
I just got back from lunch with ck and the fag.
Went to buy my wireless thingy earlier.
It works like a charm for me peesee and my peeasstree. :3
Too lazy to blog much as well, also too lazy to take picture of it.
Oh, 2/3am this morning i've finished Devil Hunter mode for DMC4 lol.
With very shitty ranks xD
Last mission i got D :3
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Finalley god damn it.
My DMC4 is finally here, after god knows how long was it lol.
It came with God of War 2 for some reason lol, along with a little sticker.
Too lazy to blog because i'm gonna DMC4 the whole night :3
Because my sem break starts nao D:
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Monday, April 07, 2008
Newly Added Family Member.
One of my long awaited package has finally arrived, hai there shecksy.
Not gonna mention much about this but i really love her so god damn much until i was rubbing her bewbs and ass god knows how many times lol. :3
Anyway, cam whoring tiem <3 (In these pictures, i've changed her skirt as well as removing it. :3)
I'm still waiting for my DMC4 to arrive -___-
Don't tell me it's........... wtf....
Why the fuck would they ?! It's so darn small god damn it !
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